BED-Con talk Abstract syntax tree Testing the interpreter

Testing the interpreter

Use the existing testsuite of the PHP interpreter itself

The unit tests of the PHP interpreter consists of a log of “.phpt” files which contain a script to be run and it expected output:

 1 --TEST--
 2 Testing recursive function
 3 --FILE--
 4 <?php
 6 function Test()
 7 {
 8         static $a=1;
 9         echo "$a ";
10         $a++;
11         if($a<10): Test(); endif;
12 }
14 Test();
16 ?>
17 --EXPECT--
18 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
 1 "Testing recursive function" in {
 2   // lang/008
 3   script(
 4     """<?php
 5       |
 6       |function Test()
 7       |{
 8       | static $a=1;
 9       | echo "$a ";
10       | $a++;
11       | if($a<10): Test(); endif;
12       |}
13       |
14       |Test();
15       |
16       |?>""".stripMargin
17   ).result must haveOutput(
18     """1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 """.stripMargin
19   )
20 }